Source code for bioregistry.resolve_identifier

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Resolvers for CURIE (e.g., pairs of prefix and identifier)."""

import warnings
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from .resolve import get_resource
from .resource_manager import manager

__all__ = [

[docs]def is_valid_curie(curie: str) -> bool: """Check if a CURIE is standardized and valid. :param curie: A compact URI of the form ``<prefix>:<local unique identifier>``. :return: If the CURIE is standardized in both syntax and semantics. This means that it uses the Bioregistry canonical prefix, does not have a redundant prefix, and if available, matches the Bioregistry's regular expression pattern for identifiers. Standard CURIE >>> is_valid_curie("go:0000001") True Not a standard CURIE (i.e., no colon) >>> is_valid_curie("0000001") False >>> is_valid_curie("GO_0000001") False >>> is_valid_curie("PTM-0001") False Non-standardized prefix >>> is_valid_curie("GO:0000001") False Incorrect identifier >>> is_valid_curie("go:0001") False Banana scenario >>> is_valid_curie("go:GO:0000001") False Unknown prefix >>> is_valid_curie("xxx:yyy") False """ return manager.is_valid_curie(curie)
[docs]def is_standardizable_curie(curie: str) -> bool: """Check if a CURIE is validatable, but not necessarily standardized. :param curie: A compact URI :return: If the CURIE can be standardized (e.g., prefix normalize and identifier normalized) then validated. Standard CURIE >>> is_standardizable_curie("go:0000001") True Not a standard CURIE (i.e., no colon) >>> is_standardizable_curie("0000001") False >>> is_standardizable_curie("GO_0000001") False >>> is_standardizable_curie("PTM-0001") False Non-standardized prefix >>> is_standardizable_curie("GO:0000001") True Incorrect identifier >>> is_standardizable_curie("go:0001") False Banana scenario >>> is_standardizable_curie("go:GO:0000001") True Unknown prefix >>> is_standardizable_curie("xxx:yyy") False """ return manager.is_standardizable_curie(curie)
[docs]def is_valid_identifier(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> bool: """Check if the pre-parsed CURIE is standardized valid. :param prefix: The prefix from a compact URI :param identifier: The local unique identifer from a compact URI :return: If the CURIE is standardized in both syntax and semantics. This means that it uses the Bioregistry canonical prefix, does not have a redundant prefix, and if available, matches the Bioregistry's regular expression pattern for identifiers. .. seealso:: The :func:`is_standardizable_identifier` performs normalization before checking validity Standard CURIE >>> is_valid_identifier("go", "0000001") True Non-standardized prefix >>> is_valid_identifier("GO", "0000001") False Incorrect identifier >>> is_valid_identifier("go", "0001") False Banana scenario >>> is_valid_identifier("go", "GO:0000001") False Unknown prefix >>> is_valid_identifier("xxx", "yyy") False """ return manager.is_valid_identifier(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def is_standardizable_identifier(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> bool: """Check if the identifier is standardizable. :param prefix: The prefix from a compact URI :param identifier: The local unique identifer from a compact URI :return: If the CURIE can be standardized (e.g., prefix normalize and identifier normalized) then validated. .. seealso:: The :func:`is_valid_identifier` does not perform normalization before checking validity Standard CURIE >>> is_standardizable_identifier("go", "0000001") True Non-standardized prefix >>> is_standardizable_identifier("GO", "0000001") True Incorrect identifier >>> is_standardizable_identifier("go", "0001") False Banana scenario >>> is_standardizable_identifier("go", "GO:0000001") True Unknown prefix >>> is_standardizable_identifier("xxx", "yyy") False """ return manager.is_standardizable_identifier(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def standardize_identifier(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> str: """Normalize an identifier.""" resource = get_resource(prefix) if resource is None: return identifier # nothing we can do return resource.standardize_identifier(identifier)
[docs]def miriam_standardize_identifier(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Normalize the identifier with the appropriate banana. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A normalize identifier, possibly with banana/redundant prefix added. Returns none if the prefix doesn't map to MIRIAM. Examples with explicitly annotated bananas: >>> import bioregistry as br >>> assert "VariO" == br.get_banana('vario') >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('vario', '0376') 'VariO:0376' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('vario', 'VariO:0376') 'VariO:0376' Examples with bananas from OBO: >>> import bioregistry as br >>> assert "GO" == br.get_banana('go') >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('go', '0000001') 'GO:0000001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('go', 'GO:0000001') 'GO:0000001' >>> assert "VariO" == br.get_banana('vario') >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('vario', '0000001') 'VariO:0000001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('vario', 'VariO:0000001') 'VariO:0000001' Examples from OBO Foundry: >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('chebi', '1234') 'CHEBI:1234' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('chebi', 'CHEBI:1234') 'CHEBI:1234' Examples outside of OBO: >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('mgi', '6017782') 'MGI:6017782' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('mgi', 'MGI:6017782') 'MGI:6017782' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('swisslipid', '000000341') 'SLM:000000341' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('swisslipid', 'SLM:000000341') 'SLM:000000341' Special cases with underscore-delimited bananas >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('cellosaurus', '0001') 'CVCL_0001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('cellosaurus', 'CVCL_0001') 'CVCL_0001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('ro', '0000001') 'RO_0000001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('ro', 'RO_0000001') 'RO_0000001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('geogeo', '000000001') 'GEO_000000001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('geogeo', 'GEO_000000001') 'GEO_000000001' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('biomodels.kisao', '0000057') 'KISAO_0000057' >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('biomodels.kisao', 'KISAO_0000057') 'KISAO_0000057' Standard: >>> import bioregistry as br >>> assert br.get_banana('pdb') is None >>> assert not br.get_namespace_in_lui('pdb') >>> miriam_standardize_identifier('pdb', '00000020') '00000020' """ resource = get_resource(prefix) if resource is None: return identifier # nothing we can do return resource.miriam_standardize_identifier(identifier)
[docs]def get_default_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the default URL for the given CURIE. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A IRI string corresponding to the default provider, if available. >>> get_default_iri('chebi', '24867') '' """ return manager.get_default_iri(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_providers(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get all providers for the CURIE.""" return manager.get_providers(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_providers_list(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]: """Get all providers for the CURIE.""" return manager.get_providers_list(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_identifiers_org_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the URL for the given CURIE. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A IRI string corresponding to the, if the prefix exists and is mapped to MIRIAM. >>> get_identifiers_org_iri('chebi', '24867') '' >>> get_identifiers_org_iri("interpro", "IPR016380") '' >>> get_identifiers_org_iri("cellosaurus", "0001") '' >>> get_identifiers_org_iri("biomodels.kisao", "0000057") '' """ return manager.get_miriam_iri(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_n2t_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the name-to-thing URL for the given CURIE. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A IRI string corresponding to the N2T resolve, if the prefix exists and is mapped to N2T. >>> get_n2t_iri('chebi', '24867') '' """ return manager.get_n2t_iri(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_bioportal_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the Bioportal URL for the given CURIE. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A link to the Bioportal page >>> get_bioportal_iri('chebi', '24431') '' """ return manager.get_bioportal_iri(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_identifiers_org_curie(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the CURIE for the given CURIE.""" return manager.get_miriam_curie(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_obofoundry_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OBO Foundry URL if possible. :param prefix: The prefix :param identifier: The identifier :return: The OBO Foundry URL if the prefix can be mapped to an OBO Foundry entry >>> get_obofoundry_iri('chebi', '24431') '' For entries where there's a preferred prefix, it is respected. >>> get_obofoundry_iri('fbbt', '00007294') '' """ return manager.get_obofoundry_iri(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_ols_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OLS URL if possible.""" return manager.get_ols_iri(prefix, identifier)
def get_scholia_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get a Scholia IRI, if possible. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A link to the Scholia page >>> get_scholia_iri("pubmed", "1234") '' >>> get_scholia_iri("pdb", "1234") None """ return manager.get_scholia_iri(prefix, identifier)
[docs]def get_bioregistry_iri(prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the bioregistry link. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A link to the bioregistry resolver >>> get_bioregistry_iri('pdb', '1234') '' Redundant prefix (OBO) >>> get_bioregistry_iri('go', 'GO:0120212') '' >>> get_bioregistry_iri('go', 'go:0120212') '' >>> get_bioregistry_iri('go', '0120212') '' Redundant prefix (banana; OBO) >>> get_bioregistry_iri('fbbt', 'fbbt:00007294') '' >>> get_bioregistry_iri('fbbt', 'fbbt:00007294') '' >>> get_bioregistry_iri('fbbt', '00007294') '' Redundant prefix (banana; explicit) >>> get_bioregistry_iri('go.ref', 'GO_REF:1234') '' >>> get_bioregistry_iri('go.ref', '1234') '' """ return manager.get_bioregistry_iri(prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier)
[docs]def get_iri( prefix: str, identifier: Optional[str] = None, *, priority: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, prefix_map: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, use_bioregistry_io: bool = True, provider: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """Get the best link for the CURIE, if possible. :param prefix: The prefix in the CURIE :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE. If identifier is given as None, then this function will assume that the first argument (``prefix``) is actually a full CURIE. :param priority: A user-defined priority list. In addition to the metaprefixes in the Bioregistry corresponding to resources that are resolvers/lookup services, you can also use ``default`` to correspond to the first-party IRI and ``custom`` to refer to the custom prefix map. The default priority list is: 1. Custom prefix map (``custom``) 1. First-party IRI (``default``) 2. / MIRIAM (``miriam``) 3. Ontology Lookup Service (``ols``) 4. OBO PURL (``obofoundry``) 5. Name-to-Thing (``n2t``) 6. BioPortal (``bioportal``) :param prefix_map: A custom prefix map to go with the ``custom`` key in the priority list :param use_bioregistry_io: Should the bioregistry resolution IRI be used? Defaults to true. :param provider: The provider code to use for a custom provider :return: The best possible IRI that can be generated based on the priority list. A pre-parse CURIE can be given as the first two arguments >>> get_iri("chebi", "24867") '' A CURIE can be given directly as a single argument >>> get_iri("chebi:24867") '' A priority list can be given >>> priority = ["obofoundry", "default", "bioregistry"] >>> get_iri("chebi:24867", priority=priority) '' A custom prefix map can be supplied. >>> prefix_map = {"chebi": ""} >>> get_iri("chebi:24867", prefix_map=prefix_map) '' >>> get_iri("fbbt:00007294") '' A custom prefix map can be supplied in combination with a priority list >>> prefix_map = {"lipidmaps": ""} >>> priority = ["obofoundry", "custom", "default", "bioregistry"] >>> get_iri("chebi:24867", prefix_map=prefix_map, priority=priority) '' >>> get_iri("lipidmaps:1234", prefix_map=prefix_map, priority=priority) '' A custom provider is given, which makes the Bioregistry very extensible >>> get_iri("chebi:24867", provider="chebi-img") '' """ return manager.get_iri( prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier, priority=priority, prefix_map=prefix_map, use_bioregistry_io=use_bioregistry_io, provider=provider, )
def get_formatted_iri(metaprefix: str, prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get an IRI using the format in the metaregistry. :param metaprefix: The metaprefix of the registry in the metaregistry :param prefix: A bioregistry prefix (will be mapped to the external one automatically) :param identifier: The identifier for the entity :returns: An IRI generated from the ``resolver_url`` format string of the registry, if it exists. >>> get_formatted_iri("miriam", "hgnc", "16793") '' >>> get_formatted_iri("n2t", "hgnc", "16793") '' >>> get_formatted_iri("obofoundry", "fbbt", "00007294") '' """ return manager.get_formatted_iri(metaprefix=metaprefix, prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier)