Source code for bioregistry.schema.struct

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Pydantic models for the Bioregistry."""

import itertools as itt
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import textwrap
from functools import lru_cache
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import (

import pydantic.schema
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from bioregistry import constants as brc
from bioregistry.constants import BIOREGISTRY_REMOTE_URL, DOCS, EMAIL_RE, URI_FORMAT_KEY
from bioregistry.license_standardizer import standardize_license
from bioregistry.utils import curie_to_str, deduplicate, removeprefix, removesuffix

    from typing import Literal  # type:ignore
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal  # type:ignore

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
SCHEMA_PATH = HERE.joinpath("schema.json")
BULK_UPLOAD_FORM = DOCS.joinpath("bulk_prefix_request_template.tsv")

#: Search string for skipping formatters containing this

def _uri_sort(uri):
        protocol, rest = uri.split(":", 1)
    except ValueError:
        return uri, ""
    return rest, protocol

def _yield_protocol_variations(u):
    if u.startswith("http://"):
        yield "https://" + u[7:]
        yield u
    elif u.startswith("https://"):
        yield u
        yield "http://" + u[8:]
        yield u

def _dedent(s: str) -> str:
    return textwrap.dedent(s).replace("\n", " ").replace("  ", " ").strip()

The Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCiD) provides
researchers with an open, unambiguous identifier for connecting
various digital assets (e.g., publications, reviews) across the
semantic web. An account can be made in seconds at

    ("miriam", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("n2t", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("go", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("biocontext", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("wikidata", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("uniprot", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("cellosaurus", URI_FORMAT_KEY),
    ("prefixcommons", URI_FORMAT_KEY),

class Attributable(BaseModel):
    """An upper-level metadata for a researcher."""

    name: str = Field(description="The full name of the researcher")

    orcid: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier",

    email: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Email address",
        description="The email address specific to the researcher.",
        # regex=EMAIL_RE_STR,

    #: The GitHub handle for the author
    github: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="GitHub handle",
    The GitHub handle enables contacting the researcher on GitHub:
    the *de facto* version control in the computer sciences and life sciences.

    def add_triples(self, graph):
        """Add triples to an RDF graph for this author.

        :param graph: An RDF graph
        :type graph: rdflib.Graph
        :rtype: rdflib.term.Node
        :returns: The RDF node representing this author using an ORCiD URI.
        from rdflib import BNode, Literal
        from rdflib.namespace import RDFS

        if not self.orcid:
            node = BNode()
            from .constants import orcid

            node = orcid.term(self.orcid)
        graph.add((node, RDFS["label"], Literal(
        return node

[docs]class Author(Attributable): """Metadata for an author.""" #: This field is redefined on top of :class:`Attributable` to make #: it required. Otherwise, it has the same semantics. orcid: str = Field( ..., title="Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier", description=ORCID_DESCRIPTION )
[docs]class Provider(BaseModel): """A provider.""" code: str = Field(..., description="A locally unique code within the prefix for the provider") name: str = Field(..., description="Name of the provider") description: str = Field(..., description="Description of the provider") homepage: str = Field(..., description="Homepage of the provider") uri_format: str = Field( ..., title="URI Format", description="The URI format string, which must have at least one ``$1`` in it", )
[docs] def resolve(self, identifier: str) -> str: """Resolve the identifier into a URI. :param identifier: The identifier in the semantic space :return: The URI for the identifier """ return self.uri_format.replace("$1", identifier)
class Publication(BaseModel): """Metadata about a publication.""" pubmed: Optional[str] = Field( title="PubMed", description="The PubMed identifier for the article" ) doi: Optional[str] = Field( title="DOI", description="The DOI for the article. DOIs are case insensitive, so these are " "required by the Bioregistry to be standardized to their lowercase form.", ) pmc: Optional[str] = Field( title="PMC", description="The PubMed Central identifier for the article" ) title: Optional[str] = Field(description="The title of the article") year: Optional[int] = Field(description="The year the article was published") def key(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Create a key based on identifiers in this data structure.""" return self.pubmed or "", self.doi or "", self.pmc or "" def get_url(self) -> str: """Get a URL link.""" for prefix, identifier in [ ("pubmed", self.pubmed), ("doi", self.doi), ("pmc", self.pmc), ]: if identifier is not None: return f"{prefix}:{identifier}" raise ValueError("no fields were full")
[docs]class Resource(BaseModel): """Metadata about an ontology, database, or other resource.""" prefix: str = Field( ..., description="The prefix for this resource", exclude=True, integration_status="required", ) name: Optional[str] = Field( description="The name of the resource", integration_status="required" ) description: Optional[str] = Field( description="A description of the resource", integration_status="required" ) pattern: Optional[str] = Field( description="The regular expression pattern for local unique identifiers in the resource", integration_status="required_for_new", ) uri_format: Optional[str] = Field( title="URI format string", description="The URI format string, which must have at least one ``$1`` in it", integration_status="required_for_new", ) providers: Optional[List[Provider]] = Field( description="Additional, non-default providers for the resource", ) homepage: Optional[str] = Field( description="The URL for the homepage of the resource, preferably using HTTPS", integration_status="required", ) repository: Optional[str] = Field( description="The URL for the repository of the resource", ) contact: Optional[Attributable] = Field( description=( "The contact email address for the resource. This must correspond to a specific " "person and not be a listserve nor a shared email account." ), integration_status="suggested", ) example: Optional[str] = Field( description="An example local identifier for the resource, explicitly excluding any redundant " "usage of the prefix in the identifier. For example, a GO identifier should only " "look like ``1234567`` and not like ``GO:1234567``", integration_status="required", ) example_extras: Optional[List[str]] = Field( description="Extra example identifiers", ) example_decoys: Optional[List[str]] = Field( description="Extra example identifiers that explicitly fail regex tests", ) license: Optional[str] = Field( description="The license for the resource", ) version: Optional[str] = Field( description="The version for the resource", ) part_of: Optional[str] = Field( description=( "An annotation between this prefix and a super-prefix. For example, " "``chembl.compound`` is a part of ``chembl``." ) ) provides: Optional[str] = Field( description=( "An annotation between this prefix and a prefix for which it is redundant. " "For example, ``ctd.gene`` has been given a prefix by, but it " "actually just reuses identifies from ``ncbigene``, so ``ctd.gene`` provides ``ncbigene``." ), ) download_owl: Optional[str] = Field( title="OWL Download URL", description=_dedent( """\ The URL to download the resource as an ontology encoded in the OWL format. More information about this format can be found at """ ), ) download_obo: Optional[str] = Field( title="OBO Download URL", description=_dedent( """\ The URL to download the resource as an ontology encoded in the OBO format. More information about this format can be found at """ ), ) download_json: Optional[str] = Field( title="OBO Graph JSON Download URL", description=_dedent( """ The URL to download the resource as an ontology encoded in the OBO Graph JSON format. More information about this format can be found at """ ), ) download_rdf: Optional[str] = Field( title="RDF Download URL", description=_dedent( """ The URL to download the resource as an RDF file, in one of many formats. """ ), ) banana: Optional[str] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ The `banana` is a generalization of the concept of the "namespace embedded in local unique identifier". Many OBO foundry ontologies use the redundant uppercased name of the ontology in the local identifier, such as the Gene Ontology, which makes the prefixes have a redundant usage as in ``GO:GO:1234567``. The `banana` tag explicitly annotates the part in the local identifier that should be stripped, if found. While the Bioregistry automatically knows how to handle all OBO Foundry ontologies' bananas because the OBO Foundry provides the "preferredPrefix" field, the banana can be annotated on non-OBO ontologies to more explicitly write the beginning part of the identifier that should be stripped. This allowed for solving one of the long-standing issues with the resolver (e.g., for ``oma.hog``; see as well as better annotate new entries, such as SwissMap Lipids, which have the prefix ``swisslipid`` but have the redundant information ``SLM:`` in the beginning of identifiers. Therefore, ``SLM:`` is the banana. """ ), ) banana_peel: Optional[str] = Field(description="Delimiter used in banana") deprecated: Optional[bool] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ A flag denoting if this resource is deprecated. Currently, this is a blanket term that covers cases when the prefix is no longer maintained, when it has been rolled into another resource, when the website related to the resource goes down, or any other reason that it's difficult or impossible to find full metadata on the resource. If this is set to true, please add a comment explaining why. This flag will override annotations from the OLS, OBO Foundry, and others on the deprecation status, since they often disagree and are very conservative in calling dead resources. """ ), ) mappings: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ A dictionary of metaprefixes (i.e., prefixes for registries) to prefixes in external registries. These also correspond to the registry-specific JSON fields in this model like ``miriam`` field. """ ), ) synonyms: Optional[List[str]] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ A list of synonyms for the prefix of this resource. These are used in normalization of prefixes and are a useful reference tool for prefixes that are written many ways. For example, ``snomedct`` has many synonyms including typos like ``SNOWMEDCT``, lexical variants like ``SNOMED_CT``, version-variants like ``SNOMEDCT_2010_1_31``, and tons of other nonsense like ``SNOMEDCTCT``. """ ), ) references: Optional[List[str]] = Field( description="A list of URLs to also see, such as publications describing the resource", ) publications: Optional[List[Publication]] = Field( description="A list of URLs to also see, such as publications describing the resource", ) appears_in: Optional[List[str]] = Field( description="A list of prefixes that use this resource for xrefs, provenance, etc.", ) depends_on: Optional[List[str]] = Field( description="A list of prefixes that use this resource depends on, e.g., ontologies that import each other.", ) namespace_in_lui: Optional[bool] = Field( title="Namespace Embedded in Local Unique Identifier", description=_dedent( """\ A flag denoting if the namespace is embedded in the LUI (if this is true and it is not accompanied by a banana, assume that the banana is the prefix in all caps plus a colon, as is standard in OBO). Currently this flag is only used to override in the case of ``gramene.growthstage``, ``oma.hog``, and ``vario``. """ ), ) no_own_terms: Optional[bool] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ A flag denoting if the resource mints its own identifiers. Omission or explicit marking as false means that the resource does have its own terms. This is most applicable to ontologies, specifically application ontologies, which only reuse terms from others. One example is ChIRO. """ ), ) #: A field for a free text comment. comment: Optional[str] = Field( description="A field for a free text comment", ) contributor: Optional[Author] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ The contributor of the prefix to the Bioregistry, including at a minimum their name and ORCiD and optionall their email address and GitHub handle. All entries curated through the Bioregistry GitHub Workflow must contain this field. """ ), integration_status="required_for_new", ) contributor_extras: Optional[List[Author]] = Field( description="Additional contributors besides the original submitter.", ) reviewer: Optional[Author] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ The reviewer of the prefix to the Bioregistry, including at a minimum their name and ORCiD and optionall their email address and GitHub handle. All entries curated through the Bioregistry GitHub Workflow should contain this field pointing to the person who reviewed it on GitHub. """ ), integration_status="required_for_new", ) proprietary: Optional[bool] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ A flag to denote if this database is proprietary and therefore can not be included in normal quality control checks nor can it be resolved. Omission or explicit marking as false means that the resource is not proprietary. """ ), ) #: An annotation between this prefix and another prefix if they share the same provider IRI to denote that the #: other prefix should be considered as the canonical prefix to which IRIs should be contracted as CURIEs. #: #: .. seealso:: #: #: This field was added and described in detail in has_canonical: Optional[str] = Field( description="If this shares an IRI with another entry, maps to which should be be considered as canonical", ) preferred_prefix: Optional[str] = Field( description=_dedent( """\ An annotation of stylization of the prefix. This appears in OBO ontologies like FBbt as well as databases like NCBIGene. If it's not given, then assume that the normalized prefix used in the Bioregistry is canonical. """ ), ) twitter: Optional[str] = Field(description="The twitter handle for the project") github_request_issue: Optional[int] = Field( description="The GitHub issue for the new prefix request" ) #: External data from's MIRIAM Database miriam: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the Name-to-Thing service n2t: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from Prefix Commons prefixcommons: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from Wikidata Properties wikidata: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the Gene Ontology's custom registry go: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry catalog obofoundry: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the BioPortal ontology repository bioportal: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the EcoPortal ontology repository ecoportal: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the AgroPortal ontology repository agroportal: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the CropOCT ontology curation tool cropoct: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the Ontology Lookup Service ols: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the AberOWL ontology repository aberowl: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the NCBI Genbank's custom registry ncbi: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from UniProt's custom registry uniprot: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the BioLink Model's custom registry biolink: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the Cellosaurus custom registry cellosaurus: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from the OntoBee ontobee: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from ChemInf cheminf: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from FAIRsharing fairsharing: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from BioContext biocontext: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from EDAM ontology edam: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from re3data re3data: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from hl7 hl7: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] #: External data from bartoc bartoc: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]]
[docs] def get_external(self, metaprefix) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """Get an external registry.""" return self.dict().get(metaprefix) or dict()
[docs] def get_mapped_prefix(self, metaprefix: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the prefix for the given external. :param metaprefix: The metaprefix for the external resource :returns: The prefix in the external registry, if it could be mapped >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("chebi").get_mapped_prefix("wikidata") 'P683' >>> get_resource("chebi").get_mapped_prefix("obofoundry") 'CHEBI' """ if metaprefix == "obofoundry": obofoundry_dict = self.obofoundry or {} if "preferredPrefix" in obofoundry_dict: return obofoundry_dict["preferredPrefix"] if "prefix" in obofoundry_dict: return obofoundry_dict["prefix"].upper() return None return self.get_mappings().get(metaprefix)
[docs] def get_prefix_key(self, key: str, metaprefixes: Union[str, Sequence[str]]): """Get a key enriched by the given external resources' data.""" rv = self.dict().get(key) if rv is not None: return rv if isinstance(metaprefixes, str): metaprefixes = [metaprefixes] for metaprefix in metaprefixes: external = self.get_external(metaprefix) if external is None: raise TypeError rv = external.get(key) if rv is not None: return rv return None
[docs] def get_default_uri(self, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Return the default URI for the identifier. :param identifier: The local identifier in the nomenclature represented by this resource :returns: The first-party provider URI for the local identifier, if one can be constructed >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("chebi").get_default_uri("24867") '' """ fmt = self.get_default_format() if fmt is None: return None return fmt.replace("$1", identifier)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): # noqa: D105 setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def get_banana(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the optional redundant prefix to go before an identifier. A "banana" is an embedded prefix that isn't actually part of the identifier. Usually this corresponds to the prefix itself, with some specific stylization such as in the case of FBbt. The banana does NOT include a colon ":" at the end :return: The banana, if the prefix is valid and has an associated banana. Explicitly annotated banana >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("go.ref").get_banana() 'GO_REF' Banana imported through OBO Foundry >>> get_resource("go").get_banana() 'GO' >>> get_resource("vario").get_banana() 'VariO' Banana inferred for OBO Foundry ontology >>> get_resource("chebi").get_banana() 'CHEBI' No banana, no namespace in LUI >>> get_resource("pdb").get_banana() None Banana is not inferred for OBO Foundry ontologies that were imported: >>> get_resource("ncit").get_banana() None >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_banana() None """ if self.banana is not None: return self.banana if self.get_namespace_in_lui() is False: return None miriam_prefix = self.get_miriam_prefix() obo_preferred_prefix = self.get_obo_preferred_prefix() if miriam_prefix is not None and obo_preferred_prefix is not None: return obo_preferred_prefix return None
[docs] def get_banana_peel(self) -> str: """Get the delimiter between the banana and the local unique identifier.""" return ":" if self.banana_peel is None else self.banana_peel
[docs] def get_default_format(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the default, first-party URI prefix. :returns: The first-party URI prefix string, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_default_format() '$1' >>> get_resource("go").get_default_format() '$1' """ if self.uri_format is not None: return self.uri_format for metaprefix, key in URI_FORMAT_PATHS: rv = self.get_external(metaprefix).get(key) if rv is not None and _allowed_uri_format(rv): return rv return None
[docs] def get_synonyms(self) -> Set[str]: """Get synonyms.""" return set(self.synonyms or {})
[docs] def get_preferred_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the preferred prefix (e.g., with stylization) if it exists. :returns: The preferred prefix, if annotated in the Bioregistry or OBO Foundry. No preferred prefix annotation, defaults to normalized prefix >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("rhea").get_preferred_prefix() None Preferred prefix defined in the Bioregistry >>> get_resource("wb").get_preferred_prefix() 'WormBase' Preferred prefix defined in the OBO Foundry >>> get_resource("fbbt").get_preferred_prefix() 'FBbt' Preferred prefix from the OBO Foundry overridden by the Bioregistry (see also >>> get_resource("dpo").get_preferred_prefix() 'DPO' """ if self.preferred_prefix is not None: return self.preferred_prefix obo_preferred_prefix = self.get_obo_preferred_prefix() if obo_preferred_prefix is not None: return obo_preferred_prefix return None
[docs] def get_obo_preferred_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OBO preferred prefix, if this resource is mapped to the OBO Foundry.""" if self.obofoundry is None: return None # if explicitly annotated, use it. Otherwise, the capitalized version # of the OBO Foundry ID is the preferred prefix (e.g., for GO) return self.obofoundry.get("preferredPrefix", self.obofoundry["prefix"].upper())
[docs] def get_mappings(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get the mappings to external registries, if available.""" return self.mappings or {}
[docs] def get_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the name for the given prefix, it it's available.""" return self.get_prefix_key( "name", ( "obofoundry", "ols", "wikidata", "go", "ncbi", "bioportal", "agroportal", "ecoportal", "miriam", "n2t", "cellosaurus", "cropoct", "cheminf", "edam", "prefixcommons", ), )
[docs] def get_description(self, use_markdown: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Get the description for the given prefix, if available.""" if self.description and use_markdown: import markupsafe from markdown import markdown return markupsafe.Markup(markdown(self.description)) rv = self.get_prefix_key( "description", ( "miriam", "n2t", "ols", "obofoundry", "wikidata", "fairsharing", "aberowl", "bioportal", "agroportal", "ecoportal", "cropoct", "cheminf", "edam", "prefixcommons", ), ) if rv is not None: return rv if self.cellosaurus and "category" in self.cellosaurus: return self.cellosaurus["category"] return None
[docs] def get_pattern(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the pattern for the given prefix, if it's available. :returns: The pattern for the prefix, if it is available, using the following order of preference: 1. Custom 2. MIRIAM 3. Wikidata """ if self.pattern is not None: return self.pattern rv = self.get_prefix_key("pattern", ("miriam", "wikidata")) if rv is None: return None return _clean_pattern(rv)
[docs] def get_pattern_re(self): """Get the compiled pattern for the given prefix, if it's available.""" pattern = self.get_pattern() if pattern is None: return None # FIXME cache this return re.compile(pattern)
[docs] def get_pattern_with_banana(self, strict: bool = True) -> Optional[str]: r"""Get the pattern for the prefix including a banana if available. .. warning:: This function is meant to mediate backwards compatibility with legacy MIRIAM/ standards. New projects should **not** use redundant prefixes in their local unique identifiers. :param strict: If True (default), and a banana exists for the prefix, the banana is required in the pattern. If False, the pattern will match the banana if present but will also match the identifier without the banana. :returns: A pattern for the prefix if available >>> import bioregistry as br >>> resource = br.get_resource("chebi") Strict match requires the banana to be present >>> resource.get_pattern_with_banana() '^CHEBI:\\d+$' Non-strict match allows the banana to be optionally present >>> resource.get_pattern_with_banana(strict=False) '^(CHEBI:)?\\d+$' """ pattern = self.get_pattern() if pattern is None: return None banana = self.get_banana() if not banana: return pattern banana_peel = self.get_banana_peel() prepattern = f"{banana}{banana_peel}" if not strict: prepattern = f"({prepattern})?" return "^" + prepattern + pattern.lstrip("^")
[docs] def get_pattern_re_with_banana(self, strict: bool = True): """Get the compiled pattern for the prefix including a banana if available. .. warning:: This function is meant to mediate backwards compatibility with legacy MIRIAM/ standards. New projects should **not** use redundant prefixes in their local unique identifiers. :param strict: If True (default), and a banana exists for the prefix, the banana is required in the pattern. If False, the pattern will match the banana if present but will also match the identifier without the banana. :returns: A compiled pattern for the prefix if available >>> import bioregistry as br >>> resource = br.get_resource("chebi") Strict match requires banana >>> resource.get_pattern_re_with_banana().match("1234") >>> resource.get_pattern_re_with_banana().match("CHEBI:1234") <re.Match object; span=(0, 10), match='CHEBI:1234'> Loose match does not require banana >>> resource.get_pattern_re_with_banana(strict=False).match('1234') <re.Match object; span=(0, 4), match='1234'> >>> resource.get_pattern_re_with_banana(strict=False).match('CHEBI:1234') <re.Match object; span=(0, 10), match='CHEBI:1234'> """ p = self.get_pattern_with_banana(strict=strict) if p is None: return None return re.compile(p)
[docs] def get_namespace_in_lui(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Check if the namespace should appear in the LUI.""" if self.namespace_in_lui is not None: return self.namespace_in_lui return self.get_prefix_key("namespaceEmbeddedInLui", "miriam")
[docs] def get_homepage(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the homepage, if available.""" return self.get_prefix_key( "homepage", ( "obofoundry", "ols", "miriam", "n2t", "wikidata", "go", "ncbi", "cellosaurus", "cropoct", "bioportal", "agroportal", "ecoportal", "prefixcommons", ), )
[docs] def get_repository(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the repository, if available.""" if self.repository: return self.repository return self.get_prefix_key("repository", "obofoundry")
[docs] def get_contact(self) -> Optional[Attributable]: """Get the contact, if available.""" name = self.get_contact_name() if name is None: return None return Attributable( name=name, email=self.get_contact_email(), orcid=self.get_contact_orcid(), github=self.get_contact_github(), )
[docs] def get_contact_email(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the contact email, if available. :returns: The resource's contact email address, if it is available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("bioregistry").get_contact_email() # from bioregistry curation '' >>> get_resource("chebi").get_contact_email() '' >>> get_resource("vandf").get_contact_email() '' """ if and return # FIXME if contact is not none but email is, this will have a problem after rv = self.get_prefix_key("contact", ("obofoundry", "ols")) if rv: if EMAIL_RE.match(rv): return rv logger.warning("[%s] invalid email address listed: %s",, rv) return None rv = (self.bioportal or {}).get("contact", {}).get("email") if rv: return rv return rv
[docs] def get_contact_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the contact name, if available. :returns: The resource's contact name, if it is available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("bioregistry").get_contact_name() # from bioregistry curation 'Charles Tapley Hoyt' >>> get_resource("chebi").get_contact_name() 'Adnan Malik' >>> get_resource("vandf").get_contact_name() 'Michael Lincoln' """ if and return if self.obofoundry and "contact.label" in self.obofoundry: return self.obofoundry["contact.label"] rv = (self.bioportal or {}).get("contact", {}).get("name") if rv: return rv return None
[docs] def get_contact_github(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the contact GitHub handle, if available. :returns: The resource's contact GitHub handle, if it is available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("bioregistry").get_contact_github() # from bioregistry curation 'cthoyt' >>> get_resource("agro").get_contact_github() # from OBO Foundry 'marieALaporte' """ if and return if self.obofoundry and "contact.github" in self.obofoundry: return self.obofoundry["contact.github"] return None
[docs] def get_contact_orcid(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the contact ORCiD, if available. :returns: The resource's contact ORCiD, if it is available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("bioregistry").get_contact_orcid() # from bioregistry curation '0000-0003-4423-4370' >>> get_resource("aero").get_contact_orcid() '0000-0002-9551-6370' """ if and return if self.obofoundry and "contact.orcid" in self.obofoundry: return self.obofoundry["contact.orcid"] return None
[docs] def get_example(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get an example identifier, if it's available.""" example = self.example if example is not None: return example miriam_example = self.get_external("miriam").get("sampleId") if miriam_example is not None: return miriam_example for metaprefix in ["ncbi", "n2t", "prefixcommons"]: example = self.get_external(metaprefix).get("example") if example is not None: return example return None
[docs] def get_examples(self) -> List[str]: """Get a list of examples.""" rv = [] example = self.get_example() if example: rv.append(example) rv.extend(self.example_extras or []) return rv
[docs] def get_example_curie(self, use_preferred: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Get an example CURIE, if an example identifier is available. :param use_preferred: Should the preferred prefix be used instead of the Bioregistry prefix (if it exists)? :return: An example CURIE for this resource """ example = self.get_example() if example is None: return None return self.get_curie(example, use_preferred=use_preferred)
[docs] def get_example_iri(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get an example IRI.""" example = self.get_example() if example is None: return None return self.get_default_uri(example)
[docs] def is_deprecated(self) -> bool: """Return if the given prefix corresponds to a deprecated resource. :returns: If the prefix has been explicitly marked as deprecated either by the Bioregistry, OBO Foundry, OLS, or MIRIAM. If no marks are present, assumed not to be deprecated. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> assert get_resource("imr").is_deprecated() # marked by OBO >>> assert get_resource("iro").is_deprecated() # marked by Bioregistry >>> assert get_resource("miriam.collection").is_deprecated() # marked by MIRIAM """ if self.deprecated is not None: return self.deprecated for key in ("obofoundry", "ols", "miriam"): external = self.get_external(key) if external.get("deprecated"): return True return False
[docs] def get_publications(self) -> List[Publication]: """Get a list of publications.""" publications = self.publications or [] if self.obofoundry: for publication in self.obofoundry.get("publications", []): url, title = publication["id"], publication["title"] if url.startswith(""): pubmed = url[len("") :] publications.append( Publication(pubmed=pubmed, title=title, doi=None, pmc=None, year=None) ) elif url.startswith(""): doi = url[len("") :] publications.append( Publication(doi=doi.lower(), title=title, pubmed=None, pmc=None, year=None) ) elif url.startswith(""): doi = url[len("") :] publications.append( Publication(doi=doi.lower(), title=title, pubmed=None, pmc=None, year=None) ) elif url.startswith(""): continue elif "" in url: continue else: logger.warning("unhandled obo foundry publication ID: %s", url) if self.fairsharing: for publication in self.fairsharing.get("publications", []): pubmed = publication.get("pubmed_id") doi = publication.get("doi") if doi: doi = removeprefix(doi.lower(), "") title = publication.get("title") if pubmed or doi: publications.append( Publication( pubmed=pubmed and str(pubmed), doi=doi, title=title, pmc=None, year=None, ) ) if self.prefixcommons: for pubmed in self.prefixcommons.get("pubmed_ids", []): publications.append( Publication(pubmed=pubmed, doi=None, pmc=None, title=None, year=None) ) if self.uniprot: for publication in self.uniprot.get("publications", []): publications.append(Publication.parse_obj(publication)) return deduplicate_publications(publications)
[docs] def get_twitter(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the Twitter handle for ther resource.""" if self.twitter: return self.twitter if self.obofoundry: return self.obofoundry.get("twitter") return None
[docs] def get_obofoundry_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OBO Foundry prefix if available. :returns: The OBO prefix, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("go").get_obofoundry_prefix() # standard 'GO' >>> get_resource("aao").get_obofoundry_prefix() # standard but deprecated 'AAO' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_obofoundry_prefix() # mixed case 'NCBITaxon' >>> assert get_resource("sty").get_obofoundry_prefix() is None """ return self.get_mapped_prefix("obofoundry")
[docs] def get_obofoundry_uri_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OBO Foundry URI prefix for this entry, if possible. :returns: The OBO PURL URI prefix corresponding to the prefix, if mappable. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("go").get_obofoundry_uri_prefix() # standard '' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_obofoundry_uri_prefix() # mixed case '' >>> assert get_resource("sty").get_obofoundry_uri_prefix() is None """ obo_prefix = self.get_obofoundry_prefix() if obo_prefix is None: return None return f"{obo_prefix}_"
[docs] def get_obofoundry_uri_format(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OBO Foundry URI format string for this entry, if possible. :returns: The OBO PURL format string, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("go").get_obofoundry_uri_format() # standard '$1' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_obofoundry_uri_format() # mixed case '$1' >>> assert get_resource("sty").get_obofoundry_uri_format() is None """ rv = self.get_obofoundry_uri_prefix() if rv is None: return None return f"{rv}$1"
[docs] def get_biocontext_uri_format(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the BioContext URI format string for this entry, if available. :returns: The BioContext URI format string, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("hgmd").get_biocontext_uri_format() '$1' """ return self.get_external("biocontext").get(URI_FORMAT_KEY)
[docs] def get_prefixcommons_uri_format(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the Prefix Commons URI format string for this entry, if available. :returns: The Prefix Commons URI format string, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("antweb").get_prefixcommons_uri_format() '$1' """ return self.get_external("prefixcommons").get(URI_FORMAT_KEY)
[docs] def get_identifiers_org_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the MIRIAM/ prefix, if available. :returns: The prefix corresponding to the prefix, if mappable. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource('chebi').get_identifiers_org_prefix() 'chebi' >>> get_resource('ncbitaxon').get_identifiers_org_prefix() 'taxonomy' >>> assert get_resource('MONDO').get_identifiers_org_prefix() is None """ return self.get_mapped_prefix("miriam")
[docs] def get_miriam_prefix(self): """Get the MIRIAM/ prefix, if available.""" return self.get_identifiers_org_prefix()
[docs] def get_miriam_uri_prefix( self, legacy_delimiter: bool = False, legacy_protocol: bool = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Get the URI prefix for this entry, if possible. :param legacy_protocol: If true, uses HTTP :param legacy_delimiter: If true, uses a slash delimiter for CURIEs instead of colon :returns: The URI prefix, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource('ncbitaxon').get_miriam_uri_prefix() '' >>> get_resource('go').get_miriam_uri_prefix() '' >>> assert get_resource('sty').get_miriam_uri_prefix() is None """ miriam_prefix = self.get_identifiers_org_prefix() if miriam_prefix is None: return None if self.get_namespace_in_lui(): # not exact solution, some less common ones don't use capitalization # align with the banana solution miriam_prefix = miriam_prefix.upper() protocol = "http" if legacy_protocol else "https" delimiter = "/" if legacy_delimiter else ":" return f"{protocol}://{miriam_prefix}{delimiter}"
[docs] def get_miriam_uri_format( self, legacy_delimiter: bool = False, legacy_protocol: bool = False ) -> Optional[str]: """Get the URI format string for this entry, if possible. :param legacy_protocol: If true, uses HTTP :param legacy_delimiter: If true, uses a slash delimiter for CURIEs instead of colon :returns: The URL format string, if available. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource('ncbitaxon').get_miriam_uri_format() '$1' >>> get_resource('go').get_miriam_uri_format() '$1' >>> assert get_resource('sty').get_miriam_uri_format() is None """ miriam_url_prefix = self.get_miriam_uri_prefix( legacy_delimiter=legacy_delimiter, legacy_protocol=legacy_protocol ) if miriam_url_prefix is None: return None return f"{miriam_url_prefix}$1"
[docs] def get_legacy_miriam_uri_format(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the legacy URI format string for this entry, if possible.""" return self.get_miriam_uri_format(legacy_protocol=True, legacy_delimiter=True)
[docs] def get_nt2_uri_prefix(self, legacy_protocol: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Get the Name-to-Thing URI prefix for this entry, if possible.""" n2t_prefix = self.get_mapped_prefix("n2t") if n2t_prefix is None: return None protocol = "http" if legacy_protocol else "https" return f"{protocol}://{n2t_prefix}:"
[docs] def get_n2t_uri_format(self, legacy_protocol: bool = False): """Get the Name-to-Thing URI format string, if available.""" n2t_uri_prefix = self.get_nt2_uri_prefix(legacy_protocol=legacy_protocol) if n2t_uri_prefix is None: return None return f"{n2t_uri_prefix}$1"
[docs] def get_scholia_prefix(self): """Get the Scholia prefix, if available.""" return self.get_mapped_prefix("scholia")
[docs] def get_ols_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OLS prefix if available.""" return self.get_mapped_prefix("ols")
[docs] def get_ols_uri_prefix(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OLS URI prefix for this entry, if possible. :returns: The OLS URI prefix, if available. .. warning:: This doesn't have a normal form, so it only works for OBO Foundry at the moment. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("go").get_ols_uri_prefix() # standard '' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_ols_uri_prefix() # mixed case '' >>> assert get_resource("sty").get_ols_uri_prefix() is None """ ols_prefix = self.get_ols_prefix() if ols_prefix is None: return None obo_format = self.get_obofoundry_uri_prefix() if obo_format: return f"{ols_prefix}/terms?iri={obo_format}" # TODO find examples, like for EFO on when it's not based on OBO Foundry PURLs return None
[docs] def get_ols_uri_format(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the OLS URI format string for this entry, if possible. :returns: The OLS format string, if available. .. warning:: This doesn't have a normal form, so it only works for OBO Foundry at the moment. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("go").get_ols_uri_format() # standard '$1' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").get_ols_uri_format() # mixed case '$1' >>> assert get_resource("sty").get_ols_uri_format() is None """ ols_url_prefix = self.get_ols_uri_prefix() if ols_url_prefix is None: return None return f"{ols_url_prefix}$1"
URI_FORMATTERS: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Callable[["Resource"], Optional[str]]]] = { "default": get_default_format, "obofoundry": get_obofoundry_uri_format, "prefixcommons": get_prefixcommons_uri_format, "biocontext": get_biocontext_uri_format, "miriam": get_miriam_uri_format, "miriam.legacy": get_legacy_miriam_uri_format, "n2t": get_n2t_uri_format, "ols": get_ols_uri_format, } DEFAULT_URI_FORMATTER_PRIORITY: ClassVar[Sequence[str]] = ( "default", "obofoundry", "biocontext", "miriam", "n2t", "ols", "prefixcommons", )
[docs] def get_priority_prefix(self, priority: Union[None, str, Sequence[str]] = None) -> str: """Get a prioritized prefix. :param priority: A metaprefix or list of metaprefixes used to choose a prioritized prefix. Some special values that are not themselves metaprefixes are allowed from the following list: - "default": corresponds to the bioregistry prefix - "bioregistry.upper": an uppercase transform of the canonical bioregistry prefix - "preferred": a preferred prefix, typically includes stylization in capitalization - "obofoundry.preferred": the preferred prefix annotated in OBO Foundry :returns: The prioritized prefix for this record """ if priority is None: return self.prefix if isinstance(priority, str): priority = [priority] mappings = self.get_mappings() _default = {"default", "bioregistry"} for metaprefix in priority: if metaprefix in _default: return self.prefix if metaprefix == "bioregistry.upper": return self.prefix.upper() if metaprefix == "preferred": preferred_prefix = self.get_preferred_prefix() if preferred_prefix: return preferred_prefix if metaprefix == "obofoundry.preferred": preferred_prefix = self.get_obo_preferred_prefix() if preferred_prefix: return preferred_prefix if metaprefix in mappings: return mappings[metaprefix] return self.prefix
[docs] def get_uri_format(self, priority: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Get the URI format string for the given prefix, if it's available. :param priority: The priority order of metaresources to use for format URI lookup. The default is: 1. Default first party (from the Bioregistry, BioContext, or MIRIAM) 2. OBO Foundry 3. BioContext 4. MIRIAM/ 5. N2T 6. OLS 7. Prefix Commons :return: The best URI format string, where the ``$1`` should be replaced by a local unique identifier. ``$1`` could potentially appear multiple times. >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("chebi").get_uri_format() '$1' If you want to specify a different priority order, you can do so with the ``priority`` keyword. This is of particular interest to ontologists and semantic web people who might want to use ```` URL prefixes over the URL prefixes corresponding to the first-party providers for each resource (e.g., the ChEBI example above). Do so like: >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> priority = ['obofoundry', 'bioregistry', 'biocontext', 'miriam', 'ols'] >>> get_resource("chebi").get_uri_format(priority=priority) '$1' """ # TODO add examples in doctests for BioContext, MIRIAM/, and OLS for metaprefix in priority or self.DEFAULT_URI_FORMATTER_PRIORITY: formatter = self.URI_FORMATTERS.get(metaprefix) if formatter is None: logger.warning("could not get formatter for %s", metaprefix) continue rv = formatter(self) if rv is not None: return rv return None
[docs] def get_uri_prefix(self, priority: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Get a well-formed URI prefix, if available. :param priority: The prioirty order for :func:`get_format`. :return: The URI prefix. Similar to what's returned by :func:`get_uri_format`, but it MUST have only one ``$1`` and end with ``$1`` to use the function. >>> import bioregistry >>> bioregistry.get_uri_prefix('chebi') '' """ uri_format = self.get_uri_format(priority=priority) if uri_format is None: logging.debug("term missing formatter: %s", return None return self._clip_uri_format(uri_format)
def _clip_uri_format(self, uri_format: str) -> Optional[str]: count = uri_format.count("$1") if 0 == count: logging.debug("[%s] formatter missing $1: %s", self.prefix, self.get_name()) return None if uri_format.count("$1") != 1: logging.debug("[%s] formatter has multiple $1: %s", self.prefix, self.get_name()) return None if not uri_format.endswith("$1"): logging.debug("[%s] formatter does not end with $1: %s", self.prefix, self.get_name()) return None return uri_format[: -len("$1")]
[docs] def get_uri_prefixes(self) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of all URI prefixes.""" uri_prefixes = (self._clip_uri_format(uri_format) for uri_format in self.get_uri_formats()) return {uri_prefix for uri_prefix in uri_prefixes if uri_prefix is not None}
[docs] def get_uri_formats(self) -> Set[str]: """Get the set of all URI format strings.""" uri_formats = itt.chain.from_iterable( _yield_protocol_variations(uri_format) for uri_format in self._iter_uri_formats() ) return set(sorted(uri_formats, key=_uri_sort))
def _iter_uri_formats(self) -> Iterable[str]: if self.uri_format: yield self.uri_format yield f"{self.prefix}:$1" preferred_prefix = self.get_preferred_prefix() if preferred_prefix: yield f"{preferred_prefix}:$1" for synonym in self.get_synonyms(): yield f"{synonym}:$1" # TODO consider adding bananas for provider in self.get_extra_providers(): yield provider.uri_format for formatter_getter in self.URI_FORMATTERS.values(): uri_format = formatter_getter(self) if uri_format: yield uri_format for metaprefix, key in URI_FORMAT_PATHS: uri_format = self.get_external(metaprefix).get(key) if uri_format: yield uri_format miriam_legacy_uri_prefix = self.get_miriam_uri_format(legacy_delimiter=True) if miriam_legacy_uri_prefix: yield miriam_legacy_uri_prefix
[docs] def get_extra_providers(self) -> List[Provider]: """Get a list of all extra providers.""" rv = [] if self.providers is not None: rv.extend(self.providers) if self.miriam: for p in self.miriam.get("providers", []): rv.append(Provider(**p)) return sorted(rv, key=attrgetter("code"))
[docs] def get_curie(self, identifier: str, use_preferred: bool = False) -> str: """Get a CURIE for a local unique identifier in this resource's semantic space. :param identifier: A local unique identifier in this resource's semantic space :param use_preferred: Should preferred prefixes be used? Set this to true if you're in the OBO context. :returns: A CURIE for the given identifier >>> import bioregistry >>> resource = bioregistry.get_resource("go") >>> resource.get_curie("0000001") 'go:0000001' >>> resource.get_curie("0000001", use_preferred=True) 'GO:0000001' """ _p = self.get_preferred_prefix() or self.prefix if use_preferred else self.prefix return curie_to_str(_p, identifier)
[docs] def standardize_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> str: """Normalize the identifier to not have a redundant prefix or banana. :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A normalized identifier, possibly with banana/redundant prefix removed Examples with explicitly annotated bananas: >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("vario").standardize_identifier('0376') '0376' >>> get_resource("vario").standardize_identifier('VariO:0376') '0376' >>> get_resource("swisslipid").standardize_identifier('000000001') '000000001' >>> get_resource("swisslipid").standardize_identifier('SLM:000000001') '000000001' Examples with bananas from OBO: >>> get_resource("fbbt").standardize_identifier('00007294') '00007294' >>> get_resource("chebi").standardize_identifier('1234') '1234' >>> get_resource("chebi").standardize_identifier('CHEBI:1234') '1234' Examples from OBO Foundry that should not have a redundant prefix added: >>> get_resource("ncit").standardize_identifier("C73192") 'C73192' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").standardize_identifier("9606") '9606' Standard: >>> get_resource("pdb").standardize_identifier('00000020') '00000020' """ banana = self.get_banana() peel = self.get_banana_peel() prebanana = f"{banana}{peel}".casefold() icf = identifier.casefold() if banana and icf.startswith(prebanana): return identifier[len(prebanana) :] elif icf.startswith(f"{self.prefix.casefold()}{peel}"): return identifier[len(self.prefix) + len(peel) :] return identifier
[docs] def get_miriam_curie(self, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the MIRIAM-flavored CURIE.""" miriam_prefix = self.get_miriam_prefix() if miriam_prefix is None: return None identifier = self.standardize_identifier(identifier) if identifier is None: return None # A "banana" is an embedded prefix that isn't actually part of the identifier. # Usually this corresponds to the prefix itself, with some specific stylization # such as in the case of FBbt. The banana does NOT include a colon ":" at the end banana = self.get_banana() if banana: peel = self.get_banana_peel() processed_banana = f"{banana}{peel}" if not identifier.startswith(processed_banana): identifier = f"{processed_banana}{identifier}" # here we're using the fact that the banana peel has been annotated explicitly # to mean that it should be redundant if self.banana_peel is None: return identifier return f"{miriam_prefix}:{identifier}"
[docs] def miriam_standardize_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Normalize the identifier for legacy usage with MIRIAM using the appropriate banana. :param identifier: The identifier in the CURIE :return: A normalize identifier, possibly with banana/redundant prefix added Because used to have URIs in the form of<prefix>/<prefix>:<identifier> for entries annotated with ``namespaceEmbeddedInLui`` as ``true`` Examples with explicitly annotated bananas: >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("vario").miriam_standardize_identifier('0376') 'VariO:0376' >>> get_resource("vario").miriam_standardize_identifier('VariO:0376') 'VariO:0376' Examples with bananas from OBO: >>> get_resource("go").miriam_standardize_identifier('0000001') 'GO:0000001' >>> get_resource("go").miriam_standardize_identifier('GO:0000001') 'GO:0000001' Examples from OBO Foundry: >>> get_resource("chebi").miriam_standardize_identifier('1234') 'CHEBI:1234' >>> get_resource("chebi").miriam_standardize_identifier('CHEBI:1234') 'CHEBI:1234' Examples from OBO Foundry that should not have a redundant prefix added: >>> get_resource("ncit").miriam_standardize_identifier("C73192") 'C73192' >>> get_resource("ncbitaxon").miriam_standardize_identifier("9606") '9606' Standard: >>> get_resource("pdb").miriam_standardize_identifier('00000020') '00000020' """ if self.get_miriam_prefix() is None: return None # A "banana" is an embedded prefix that isn't actually part of the identifier. # Usually this corresponds to the prefix itself, with some specific stylization # such as in the case of FBbt. The banana does NOT include a colon ":" at the end banana = self.get_banana() if banana: delimiter = self.get_banana_peel() processed_banana = f"{banana}{delimiter}" if not identifier.startswith(processed_banana): return f"{processed_banana}{identifier}" return identifier
[docs] def is_valid_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> bool: """Check that a local unique identifier is canonical, meaning no bananas.""" pattern = self.get_pattern_re() if pattern is None: return True return pattern.fullmatch(identifier) is not None
[docs] def is_standardizable_identifier(self, identifier: str) -> bool: """Check that a local unique identifier can be normalized and also matches a prefix's pattern.""" return self.is_valid_identifier(self.standardize_identifier(identifier))
[docs] def get_download_obo(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the download link for the latest OBO file. :return: A URL for an OBO text file download, if exists. Get an ontology download link annotated directly in the Bioregistry: >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("caloha").get_download_obo() '' Get an ontology download link from the OBO Foundry: >>> get_resource("bfo").get_download_obo() '' Get ontology download link in AberOWL but not OBO Foundry (note this might change over time so the exact value isn't used in the doctest): >>> url = get_resource("dermo").get_download_obo() >>> assert url is not None and url.startswith("") """ if self.download_obo: return self.download_obo return self.get_external("obofoundry").get("download.obo") or self.get_external( "aberowl" ).get("download_obo")
[docs] def get_download_obograph(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the download link for the latest OBOGraph JSON file.""" if self.download_json: return self.download_json return self.get_external("obofoundry").get("download.json")
[docs] def get_download_rdf(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the download link for the latest RDF file.""" return self.download_rdf
[docs] def get_download_owl(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the download link for the latest OWL file. :return: A URL for an OWL file download, if exists. Get an ontology download link annotated directly in the Bioregistry: >>> from bioregistry import get_resource >>> get_resource("orphanet.ordo").get_download_owl() '' Get an ontology download link from the OBO Foundry: >>> get_resource("mod").get_download_owl() '' Get ontology download link in AberOWL but not OBO Foundry (note this might change over time so the exact value isn't used in the doctest): >>> url = get_resource("birnlex").get_download_owl() >>> assert url is not None and url.startswith("") """ if self.download_owl: return self.download_owl return ( self.get_external("obofoundry").get("download.owl") or self.get_external("ols").get("version.iri") or self.get_external("ols").get("download") or self.get_external("aberowl").get("download_owl") )
[docs] def has_download(self) -> bool: """Check if this resource can be downloaded.""" return any( ( self.get_download_obo(), self.get_download_owl(), self.get_download_obograph(), ) )
[docs] def get_license(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the license for the resource.""" if self.license: return self.license for metaprefix in ("obofoundry", "ols", "bioportal"): license_value = standardize_license(self.get_external(metaprefix).get("license")) if license_value is not None: return license_value return None
[docs] def get_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the version for the resource.""" if self.version: return self.version return self.get_external("ols").get("version")
[docs] def get_short_description(self, use_markdown: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Get a short description.""" desc = self.get_description() if not desc: return None ss = desc.split(". ") if ss: rv = ss[0].rstrip(".") + "." else: rv = desc.rstrip(".") + "." logger.warning("could not split description: %s", desc) if not use_markdown: return rv import markupsafe from markdown import markdown rv = cast(str, removesuffix(removeprefix(markdown(rv), "<p>"), "</p>")) return markupsafe.Markup(rv)
SchemaStatus = Literal["required", "required*", "present", "present*", "missing"] schema_status_map = { True: "🟢", False: "🔴", "required": "🟢", "required*": "🟢*", "present": "🟡", "present*": "🟡*", "missing": "🔴", } schema_score_map = { "required": 3, "required*": 3, "present": 1, "present*": 2, "missing": -1, } class RegistryGovernance(BaseModel): """Metadata about a registry's governance.""" curation: Literal["private", "import", "community", "opaque-review", "open-review"] curates: bool = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry's maintainers and " "potentially contributors curate novel prefixes." ) imports: bool = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry imports and aligns prefixes from other registries." ) scope: str = Field( description="This field denotes the scope of prefixes which the registry covers. For example," " some registries are limited to ontologies, some have a full scope over the life sciences," " and some are general purpose." ) comments: Optional[str] accepts_external_contributions: bool = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry (in theory) accepts external contributions, either via " "suggestion or proactive improvement. This field does not pass judgement on the difficult of this" " process from the perspective of the submitter nor the responsiveness of the registry." " This field does not consider the ability for insiders (i.e., people with private relationships" " to the maintainers) to affect change." ) public_version_controlled_data: bool = Field( title="Public Version-Controlled Data", description="This field denotes if the registry stores its data in publicly available version control" " system, such as GitHub or GitLab", ) data_repository: Optional[str] = Field( description="This field denotes the address of the registry's data version control repository." ) code_repository: Optional[str] = Field( description="This field denotes the address of the registry's code version control repository." ) review_team: Literal["public", "inferrable", "private", "democratic", "n/a"] = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry's reviewers/moderators for external contributions known? If " "there's a well-defined, maintained listing, then it can be marked as public. If it can be inferred, e.g. from " "reading the commit history on a version control system, then it can be marked as inferrable. A closed" " review team, e.g., like for can be marked as private. Resources that do not" " accept external contributions can be marked with N/A. An unmoderated regitry like is marked with " " 'democratic'." ) status: Literal["active", "unresponsive", "inactive"] = Field( description="This field denotes the maitenance status of the repository. An active repository is still being " "maintained and also is responsive to external requests for improvement. An unresponsive repository is still " "being maintained in some capacity but is not responsive to external requests for improvement. An inactive " "repository is no longer being proactively maintained (though may receive occasional patches)." ) issue_tracker: Optional[str] = Field( description="This field denotes the public issue tracker for issues related to the code and data of the " "repository." ) @property def review_team_icon(self) -> str: """Get an icon for the review team.""" if self.review_team == "public": return "Y" elif self.review_team == "inferrable": return "Y*" elif self.review_team == "private": return "x" else: return "" def score(self) -> int: """Get the governance score.""" _r = {"public": 2, "inferrable": 1, "private": 0, "n/a": 0, "democratic": 2} return sum( [ self.accepts_external_contributions, self.public_version_controlled_data, self.code_repository is not None, self.data_repository is not None, _r[self.review_team], self.status == "active", self.issue_tracker is not None, -1 if self.scope == "internal" else 0, ] ) class RegistryQualities(BaseModel): """Qualities about a registry.""" structured_data: bool = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry provides structured access to its data? For example," " this can be through an API (e.g., FAIRsharing, OLS) or a bulk download (e.g., OBO Foundry) in a " "structured file format. A counter-example is a site that must be scraped to acquire its content " "(e.g, the NCBI GenBank)." ) bulk_data: bool = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry provides a bulk dump of its data? For example," " the OBO Foundry provides its bulk data in a file and provides its bulk data in" " an API endpoint. A counterexample is FAIRsharing, which requires slow, expensive pagination" " through its data. Another counterexample is HL7 which requires manually navigating a form to" " download its content. While GenBank is not structured, it is still bulk downloadable." ) no_authentication: bool = Field( description="This field denotes if the registry provides access to its data without an API key? For example," " As a counter-example, BioPortal requires an API key for access to its structured data." ) automatable_download: bool = Field( default=True, description="This field denotes if the registry makes its data available downloadable in an automated way?" "This includes websites that have bulk downloads, paginated API downloads, or even require scraping." "A counter example is HL7, whose download can not be automated due to the need to interact with a web" " form.", ) def score(self) -> int: """Score qualities of a registry.""" return sum( [ self.structured_data, self.bulk_data, self.no_authentication, self.automatable_download, ] ) class RegistrySchema(BaseModel): """Metadata about a registry's schema.""" name: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if a name is required, optional, " "or never captured for each record in the registry." ) homepage: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if a homepage is required, optional, " "or never captured for each record in the registry." ) description: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if a description is required, optional, " "or never captured for each record in the registry." ) example: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if an example local unique identifier is " "required, optional, or never captured for each record in the registry." ) pattern: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if a regular expression pattern for matching " "local unique identifiers is required, optional, or never captured for each record in the registry." ) provider: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if a URI format string for converting local " "unique identifiers into URIs is required, optional, or never captured for each record in the registry." ) alternate_providers: Literal["present", "missing"] = Field( description="This field denotes if additional/secondary URI format strings " "for converting local unique identifiers into URIs is required, optional, or never captured for " "each record in the registry." ) synonyms: Literal["present", "missing"] = Field( description="This field denotes if alternative prefixes (e.g., taxonomy for NCBITaxon) " "is required, optional, or never captured for each record in the registry." ) license: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if capturing the data license is required, optional, " "or never captured for each record in the registry." ) version: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if capturing the current data version is required, " "optional, or never captured for each record in the registry." ) contact: SchemaStatus = Field( # type:ignore description="This field denotes if capturing the primary responsible person's contact " "information (e.g., name, ORCID, email) is required, optional, or never captured for each " "record in the registry." ) search: bool = Field( ..., title="Prefix Search", description="This field denotes if the registry provides either a dedicated page for searching for prefixes " "(e.g. AberOWL has a dedicated search page) OR a contextual search (e.g., AgroPortal " "has a prefix search built in its homepage).", ) def score(self) -> int: """Calculate a score for the metadata availability in the registry.""" return sum( schema_score_map[x] for x in [, self.homepage, self.description, self.example, self.pattern, self.provider, self.alternate_providers, self.synonyms, self.license, self.version,, ] )
[docs]class Registry(BaseModel): """Metadata about a registry.""" prefix: str = Field( ..., description=( "The metaprefix for the registry itself. For example, the " "metaprefix for is `miriam`." ), ) name: str = Field(..., description="The human-readable label for the registry") description: str = Field(..., description="A full description of the registry.") homepage: str = Field(..., description="The URL for the homepage of the registry.") example: str = Field(..., description="An example prefix inside the registry.") bibtex: Optional[str] = Field(description="Citation key used in BibTex for this registry.") availability: RegistrySchema = Field( ..., description="A structured description of the metadata that the registry collects" ) qualities: RegistryQualities = Field( ..., description="A structured description of the registry's qualities" ) governance: RegistryGovernance = Field( ..., description="A structured description of the governance for the registry" ) download: Optional[str] = Field( description="A download link for the data contained in the registry" ) provider_uri_format: Optional[str] = Field( description="A URL with a $1 for a prefix to resolve in the registry" ) search_uri_format: Optional[str] = Field( description="A URL with a $1 for a prefix or string for searching for prefixes" ) resolver_uri_format: Optional[str] = Field( description="A URL with a $1 for a prefix and $2 for an identifier to resolve in the registry" ) resolver_type: Optional[str] = Field( description="An optional type annotation for what kind of resolver it is (i.e., redirect or lookup)" ) contact: Attributable = Field(..., description="The contact for the registry.") bioregistry_prefix: Optional[str] = Field( description="The prefix for this registry in the Bioregistry" ) logo_url: Optional[str] = Field( description="The URL for the logo of the resource", ) license: Optional[str] = Field( description="The license under which the resource is redistributed", ) short_name: Optional[str] = Field( description="A short name for the resource, e.g., for use in charts" )
[docs] def score(self) -> int: """Calculate a metadata score/goodness for this registry.""" return ( ( int(self.provider_uri_format is not None) + int(self.resolver_uri_format is not None) + int( is not None) + int( is not None) ) + self.availability.score() + self.qualities.score() )
[docs] def get_provider_uri_prefix(self) -> str: """Get provider URI prefix. :returns: The URI prefix for the provider for prefixes in this registry. >>> from bioregistry import get_registry >>> get_registry("fairsharing").get_provider_uri_prefix() '' >>> get_registry("miriam").get_provider_uri_prefix() '' >>> get_registry("n2t").get_provider_uri_prefix() '' """ if self.provider_uri_format is None or not self.provider_uri_format.endswith("$1"): return f"{BIOREGISTRY_REMOTE_URL}/metaregistry/{self.prefix}/" return self.provider_uri_format.replace("$1", "")
[docs] def get_provider_uri_format(self, prefix: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the provider string. :param prefix: The prefix used in the metaregistry :return: The URL in the registry for the prefix, if it's able to provide one >>> from bioregistry import get_registry >>> get_registry("fairsharing").get_provider_uri_format("FAIRsharing.62qk8w") '' >>> get_registry("miriam").get_provider_uri_format("go") '' >>> get_registry("n2t").get_provider_uri_format("go") '' """ return self.get_provider_uri_prefix() + prefix
[docs] def get_resolver_uri_format(self, prefix: str) -> str: """Generate a provider URI string based on mapping through this registry's vocabulary. :param prefix: The prefix used in the metaregistry :return: The URI format string to be used for identifiers in the semantic space based on this resolver or the Bioregistry's meta-resolver. >>> from bioregistry import get_registry >>> get_registry("miriam").get_resolver_uri_format("go") '$1' >>> get_registry("cellosaurus").get_resolver_uri_format("go") '$1' >>> get_registry("n2t").get_resolver_uri_format("go") '$1' """ if self.resolver_uri_format is None: return f"{BIOREGISTRY_REMOTE_URL}/metaregistry/{self.prefix}/{prefix}:$1" return self.resolver_uri_format.replace("$1", prefix).replace("$2", "$1")
[docs] def resolve(self, prefix: str, identifier: str) -> Optional[str]: """Resolve the registry-specific prefix and identifier. :param prefix: The prefix used in the metaregistry :param identifier: The identifier in the semantic space :return: The URI format string for the given CURIE. >>> from bioregistry import get_registry >>> get_registry("miriam").resolve("go", "0032571") '' >>> get_registry("cellosaurus").resolve("go", "0032571") '' """ return self.get_resolver_uri_format(prefix).replace("$1", identifier)
[docs] def add_triples(self, graph): """Add triples to an RDF graph for this registry. :param graph: An RDF graph :type graph: rdflib.Graph :rtype: rdflib.term.Node :returns: The RDF node representing this registry using a Bioregistry IRI. """ from rdflib import Literal from rdflib.namespace import DC, FOAF, RDF, RDFS from .constants import ( bioregistry_class_to_id, bioregistry_metaresource, bioregistry_schema, ) node = bioregistry_metaresource.term(self.prefix) graph.add((node, RDF["type"], bioregistry_class_to_id[self.__class__.__name__])) graph.add((node, RDFS["label"], Literal( graph.add((node, DC.description, Literal(self.description))) graph.add((node, FOAF["homepage"], Literal(self.homepage))) graph.add((node, bioregistry_schema["0000005"], Literal(self.example))) if self.provider_uri_format: graph.add((node, bioregistry_schema["0000006"], Literal(self.provider_uri_format))) if self.resolver_uri_format: graph.add((node, bioregistry_schema["0000007"], Literal(self.resolver_uri_format))) graph.add((node, bioregistry_schema["0000019"], return node
[docs] def get_short_name(self) -> str: """Get the short name or full name if none annotated.""" return self.short_name or
@property def is_resolver(self) -> bool: """Check if it is a resolver.""" return self.resolver_type == "resolver" @property def is_lookup(self) -> bool: """Check if it is a lookup service.""" return self.resolver_type == "lookup" @property def has_permissive_license(self) -> bool: """Check if the registry has a permissive license.""" return self.license in {"CC BY 4.0", "CC0", "CC BY 3.0"} @property def is_prefix_provider(self) -> bool: """Check if the registry is a prefix provider.""" return self.provider_uri_format is not None
[docs] def get_quality_score(self) -> int: """Get the quality score for this registry.""" return self.qualities.score() + sum( [, self.is_prefix_provider, self.has_permissive_license] )
[docs]class Collection(BaseModel): """A collection of resources.""" identifier: str = Field( ..., description="The collection's identifier", regex=r"^\d{7}$", ) name: str = Field( ..., description="The name of the collection", ) description: str = Field( ..., description="A description of the collection", ) resources: List[str] = Field( ..., description="A list of prefixes of resources appearing in the collection", ) authors: List[Author] = Field( ..., description="A list of authors/contributors to the collection", ) #: JSON-LD context name context: Optional[str]
[docs] def add_triples(self, graph): """Add triples to an RDF graph for this collection. :param graph: An RDF graph :type graph: rdflib.Graph :rtype: rdflib.term.Node :returns: The RDF node representing this collection using a Bioregistry IRI. """ from rdflib import Literal from rdflib.namespace import DC, DCTERMS, RDF, RDFS from .constants import ( bioregistry_class_to_id, bioregistry_collection, bioregistry_resource, ) node = bioregistry_collection.term(self.identifier) graph.add((node, RDF["type"], bioregistry_class_to_id[self.__class__.__name__])) graph.add((node, RDFS["label"], Literal( graph.add((node, DC.description, Literal(self.description))) for author in self.authors: author_node = author.add_triples(graph) graph.add((node, DC.creator, author_node)) for resource in self.resources: graph.add((node, DCTERMS.hasPart, bioregistry_resource[resource])) return node
[docs] def as_context_jsonld_str(self) -> str: """Get the JSON-LD context as a string from a given collection.""" return json.dumps(self.as_context_jsonld())
[docs] def as_context_jsonld(self) -> Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]]: """Get the JSON-LD context from a given collection.""" return { "@context": self.as_prefix_map(), }
[docs] def as_prefix_map(self) -> Mapping[str, str]: """Get the prefix map for a given collection.""" from ..uri_format import get_uri_prefix rv = {} for prefix in self.resources: fmt = get_uri_prefix(prefix) if fmt is not None: rv[prefix] = fmt return rv
[docs]class Context(BaseModel): """A prescriptive context contains configuration for generating fit-for-purpose prefix maps to serve various communities based on the standard Bioregistry prefix map, custom prefix remapping rules, custom URI prefix remapping rules, custom prefix maps, and other community-specific logic. """ # noqa:D400,D205 name: str = Field( description="The name of the context", ) description: str = Field( description="A description of the context, can include Markdown", ) maintainers: List[Author] = Field( description="A list of maintainers for the context", ) prefix_priority: Optional[List[str]] = Field( ..., description=_dedent( """\ This ordering of metaprefixes (i.e., prefixes for registries) is used to determine the priority of which registry's prefixes are used. By default, the canonical Bioregistry prefixes are highest priority. Add in "preferred" for explicitly using preferred prefixes or "default" for explicitly using Bioregistry canonical prefixes. """ ), ) include_synonyms: bool = Field( False, description="Should synonyms be included in the prefix map?", ) uri_prefix_priority: Optional[List[str]] = Field( ..., description=_dedent( """\ This ordering of metaprefixes (i.e., prefixes for registries) is used to determine the priority of which registry's URI prefixes are used. By default, the canonical Bioregistry URI prefixes are highest priority. """ ), ) prefix_remapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field( ..., description="This is a mapping from canonical Bioregistry prefixes to custom prefixes used in this context.", ) custom_prefix_map: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field( ..., description=_dedent( """\ This is a custom prefix map (which contains custom URL/URI expansions) that is added after all other logic is applied. Keys must either be canonical Bioregistry prefixes, prefixes used based on the given prefix priority, or values in the given prefix remapping. """ ), ) blacklist: Optional[List[str]] = Field( ..., description="This is a list of canonical Bioregistry prefixes that should not be included in the context.", )
def _clean_pattern(rv: str) -> str: """Clean a regular expression string.""" rv = rv.rstrip("?") if not rv.startswith("^"): rv = f"^{rv}" if not rv.endswith("$"): rv = f"{rv}$" return rv def _allowed_uri_format(rv: str) -> bool: """Check that a URI format doesn't have another resolver in it.""" return ( not rv.startswith("") and not rv.startswith("") and "" not in rv and "" not in rv ) @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def get_json_schema(): """Get the JSON schema for the bioregistry.""" rv = { "$schema": "", "$id": "", } rv.update( pydantic.schema.schema( [ Author, Collection, Provider, Resource, Registry, RegistrySchema, Context, Publication, ], title="Bioregistry JSON Schema", description="The Bioregistry JSON Schema describes the shapes of the objects in" " the registry, metaregistry, collections, and their other related" " resources", ) ) return rv def write_bulk_prefix_request_template(): """Write a template for bulk prefix requests.""" import bioregistry required = [] optional = [] metaprefixes = set(bioregistry.read_metaregistry()) for name, field in Resource.__fields__.items(): if name in { "providers", "example_extras", "example_decoys", "contributor_extras", "mappings", "reviewer", "contact", "contributor", "github_request_issue", "banana_peel", "publications", }: continue if name in metaprefixes: continue status = field.field_info.extra.get("integration_status", "optional") if status in {"required", "required_for_new"}: required.append(name) elif status == "skip": continue else: optional.append(name) required.extend( ("contributor_name", "contributor_github", "contributor_orcid", "contributor_email") ) optional.extend(("contact_name", "contact_github", "contact_orcid", "contact_email")) with"w") as file: print( # noqa:T201 "request_id", *required, *(f"{c} (optional)" for c in optional), sep="\t", file=file, ) # add examples for i, prefix in enumerate(["chebi", "tkg", "mondo", "nmdc"], start=1): resource = bioregistry.get_resource(prefix) assert resource is not None print( # noqa:T201 f"example_{i} (delete this row)", *(_get(resource, c) for c in required), *(_get(resource, c) for c in optional), sep="\t", file=file, ) for i in range(1, 6): print(i, *[""] * (len(required) + len(optional)), sep="\t", file=file) # noqa:T201 def _get(resource, key): getter_key = f"get_{key}" if hasattr(resource, getter_key): x = getattr(resource, getter_key)() elif hasattr(resource, key): x = getattr(resource, key) elif "_" in key: k1, k2 = key.split("_") x1 = getattr(resource, k1, None) x = getattr(x1, k2, None) if x1 is not None else None else: x = None if isinstance(x, (list, set)): return "|".join(sorted(x)) return x or "" DEDP_PUB_KEYS = ("pubmed", "doi", "pmc") def deduplicate_publications(publications: Iterable[Publication]) -> List[Publication]: """Deduplicate publications.""" records = [publication.dict(exclude_none=True) for publication in publications] records_deduplicated = deduplicate(records, keys=DEDP_PUB_KEYS) return [Publication(**record) for record in records_deduplicated] def main(): """Dump the JSON schemata.""" write_bulk_prefix_request_template() with"w") as file: json.dump(get_json_schema(), indent=2, fp=file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()