Source code for bioregistry.schema_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Utilities for interacting with data and the schema."""

import json
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Mapping, Set, Union

from .constants import (
from .schema import Attributable, Collection, Context, Registry, Resource
from .utils import extended_encoder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1) def read_metaregistry() -> Mapping[str, Registry]: """Read the metaregistry.""" with open(METAREGISTRY_PATH, encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.load(file) return { registry.prefix: registry for registry in (Registry(**record) for record in data["metaregistry"]) }
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1) def read_registry() -> Mapping[str, Resource]: """Read the Bioregistry as JSON.""" return _registry_from_path(BIOREGISTRY_PATH)
def _registry_from_path(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Mapping[str, Resource]: with open(path, encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.load(file) return {prefix: Resource(prefix=prefix, **value) for prefix, value in data.items()} def add_resource(resource: Resource) -> None: """Add a resource to the registry. :param resource: A resource object to write :raises KeyError: if the prefix is already present in the registry """ registry = dict(read_registry()) if resource.prefix in registry: raise KeyError("Tried to add duplicate entry to the registry") registry[resource.prefix] = resource # Clear the cache read_registry.cache_clear() write_registry(registry)
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1) def read_mismatches() -> Mapping[str, Mapping[str, str]]: """Read the mismatches as JSON.""" with as file: return json.load(file)
[docs]def is_mismatch(bioregistry_prefix, external_metaprefix, external_prefix) -> bool: """Return if the triple is a mismatch.""" return external_prefix in read_mismatches().get(bioregistry_prefix, {}).get( external_metaprefix, {} )
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=1) def read_collections() -> Mapping[str, Collection]: """Read the manually curated collections.""" with open(COLLECTIONS_PATH, encoding="utf-8") as file: data = json.load(file) return { collection.identifier: collection for collection in (Collection(**record) for record in data["collections"]) }
def write_collections(collections: Mapping[str, Collection]) -> None: """Write the collections.""" values = [v for _, v in sorted(collections.items())] for collection in values: collection.resources = sorted(set(collection.resources)) with open(COLLECTIONS_PATH, encoding="utf-8", mode="w") as file: json.dump( {"collections": values}, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, default=extended_encoder, )
[docs]def write_registry(registry: Mapping[str, Resource]): """Write to the Bioregistry.""" with open(BIOREGISTRY_PATH, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file: json.dump( registry, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, default=extended_encoder )
def write_metaregistry(metaregistry: Mapping[str, Registry]) -> None: """Write to the metaregistry.""" values = [v for _, v in sorted(metaregistry.items())] with open(METAREGISTRY_PATH, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file: json.dump( {"metaregistry": values}, fp=file, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, default=extended_encoder, )
[docs]def write_contexts(contexts: Mapping[str, Context]) -> None: """Write to contexts.""" with open(CONTEXTS_PATH, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file: json.dump( contexts, fp=file, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, default=extended_encoder, )
[docs]def read_contributors(direct_only: bool = False) -> Mapping[str, Attributable]: """Get a mapping from contributor ORCID identifiers to author objects.""" rv: Dict[str, Attributable] = {} for resource in read_registry().values(): if resource.contributor and resource.contributor.orcid: rv[resource.contributor.orcid] = resource.contributor for contributor in resource.contributor_extras or []: if contributor.orcid: rv[contributor.orcid] = contributor if resource.reviewer and resource.reviewer.orcid: rv[resource.reviewer.orcid] = resource.reviewer if not direct_only: contact = resource.get_contact() if contact and contact.orcid: rv[contact.orcid] = contact for metaresource in read_metaregistry().values(): if not direct_only: if rv[] = for collection in read_collections().values(): for author in collection.authors or []: if author.orcid: rv[author.orcid] = author for context in read_contexts().values(): for maintainer in context.maintainers: if maintainer.orcid: rv[maintainer.orcid] = maintainer return rv
def read_prefix_contributions() -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get a mapping from contributor ORCID identifiers to prefixes.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for prefix, resource in read_registry().items(): if resource.contributor and resource.contributor.orcid: rv[resource.contributor.orcid].add(prefix) for contributor in resource.contributor_extras or []: if contributor.orcid: rv[contributor.orcid].add(prefix) return dict(rv) def read_prefix_reviews() -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get a mapping from reviewer ORCID identifiers to prefixes.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for prefix, resource in read_registry().items(): if resource.reviewer and resource.reviewer.orcid: rv[resource.reviewer.orcid].add(prefix) return dict(rv) def read_prefix_contacts() -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get a mapping from contact ORCID identifiers to prefixes.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for prefix, resource in read_registry().items(): contact_orcid = resource.get_contact_orcid() if contact_orcid: rv[contact_orcid].add(prefix) return dict(rv) def read_collections_contributions() -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get a mapping from contributor ORCID identifiers to collections.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for collection_id, resource in read_collections().items(): for author in resource.authors or []: rv[author.orcid].add(collection_id) return dict(rv) def read_registry_contributions() -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get a mapping from contributor ORCID identifiers to collections.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for metaprefix, resource in read_metaregistry().items(): if and rv[].add(metaprefix) return dict(rv) def read_context_contributions() -> Mapping[str, Set[str]]: """Get a mapping from contributor ORCID identifiers to contexts.""" rv = defaultdict(set) for context_key, context in read_contexts().items(): for maintainer in context.maintainers: rv[maintainer.orcid].add(context_key) return dict(rv)
[docs]def read_contexts() -> Mapping[str, Context]: """Get a mapping from context keys to contexts.""" return { key: Context(**data) for key, data in json.loads(CONTEXTS_PATH.read_text(encoding="utf-8")).items() }