
There are several curation workflows implemented in bioregistry.curation.

Bulk Import

bioregistry.curation.bulk_import Module

A script for doing bulk import.

If you have a local file or remote file accessible by HTTP/HTTPS/FTP, you can use the –path option like in:

$ python -m bioregistry.curation.bulk_google_import --path <your file path>

If you are doing curation on Google Sheets, you can copy the sheet identifier and use the –google-sheet option like in:

$ python -m bioregistry.curation.bulk_google_import --google-sheet 10MPt-H6My33mOa1V_VkLh4YG8609N7B_Dey0CBnfTL4

Semi-automated Literature Curation

bioregistry.curation.literature Module

Utilities for working with the data produced by the semi-automated curation workflow.


CurationRelevance(value[, names, module, ...])

An enumeration for curation relevance.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of bioregistry.curation.literature.CurationRelevance